
there is always a way out.其实总会有出路(短文两篇)

韩涵 01-30 诚义
摘要: I had a 7-hour layover in Stockholm for my flight to Barcelona.这次去巴塞罗那,中途要在斯德哥尔摩停留7个小时

  the deli clerk,那个办事员

  and the airport personnel.还有那个机场工作人员

  Between the three of them,有这样三个人

  there was no way for me to know who could have taken it,我根本无法知道到底是谁拿走了钱

  if one of them did,如果他们中间有人这样做的话

  and yet none of them did.可是他们三人谁也没有这样做

  And even if one of them did,其实即使三人中有人拿了钱

  it probably would not matter that much.对他们也不会造成很坏的后果

  I would just be so grateful我还是会充满感激

  that my passport was returned to me.因为我的护照已经还给我了

  Once again,又一次

  I was reminded that我被提醒

  when I reach a dead end当我走到死胡同

  and it seems like there is no way out—似乎已然无路可走

  there is always a way out.其实总会有出路

  Where I was originally planning to visit did not work out,我原本设定的目的地无法到达

  so I decided to visit Barcelona instead.于是我决定转而拜访一下巴萨罗那

  I’m so glad I did,我为这个决定十分欣慰

  it has become my most favorite destination.它已经成为了我最喜欢的旅行目的地

清秀壮丽的高山绿色自然美景<a href=http://www.cxydw.net/weimeitupian/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>图片</a>


  There was once a carpenter who hated his job.从前有一个木匠,十分讨厌自己的工作

  After 10 years of working for the same company,为同一家公司工作了十年之后

  he decided to quit.他决定离职


  after 10 years of working together,念及共事10年的情谊

  his boss wanted help with one final job他的老板想让他帮忙做完最后一样东西

  before he left the team.然后他就可以离开公司了

  He asked him to build one final house.他请木匠建造一所终极小屋

  The carpenter reluctantly agreed.木匠很不情愿的接受了这份工作

  He spent the whole summer building this house... 他花了整个夏天的时间建造这所小屋

  but his heart just wasn't in it.但他的心却不在这件事上

  He used cheap material他用了十分廉价的材料

  and rushed to finish the job quickly.仓促赶着工作进度

  The result was the worst house he had ever built.结果,这是他这辈子建造过的最差的屋子

  When he had finished,当他完工后

  his boss came to meet him one last time.老板来向他最后道别

  Seeing the terrible work,看到这粗制滥造的小屋

  the smile faded from his face.他脸上的笑容消失了

  "I wanted to do something special for you,“我只是想要为你做一件有意义的事情”

  to say thanks for your 10 years of hard work...为你十年的辛勤工作表示感激

  So I'm giving you this house as a gift."所以我想要将这座小屋作为礼物送给你

  The carpenter wasfurious .木匠气愤极了

  "Why didn't you tell me from the start?!“你为什么不一开始就告诉我?”

  ... if I had known that如果我知道是这样

  I would have put in more effort".一定会花更多精力做这件事

  This story has a powerful message.这个故事对我们深有启示

  The carpenter had all the skills needed这个木匠明明具有才能

  to build something amazing…能够做出令人赞叹的作品

  but his negative mindset held him back.但他消极的做事态度阻碍了他

  We should take note...我们也应该记住

清秀壮丽的高山绿色自然美景<a href=http://www.cxydw.net/weimeitupian/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>图片</a>

  because every day we are building our future.因为每一天我们都在建造自己的未来

  And if we have a negative mindset,如果我们的态度十分消极

  we won't be able to tap into our potential就不会运用上自己的潜能

  Our potential to create the best life这些潜能本可以创造出最好的生活

  and future possibilities.本可以实现未来的无数可能性





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