

卢梓涵 01-31 真爱
摘要: this elderly(Late 60's/Early 70's), seemingly wealthy couple came into the restaurant有一对年老(大约六七十高龄),看起来十分阔绰的夫妻走进了酒店餐厅


  I work as a waiter at a hotel.我在一家酒店做服务员

  Last night昨晚

  I truly witnessed a love that brought me to tears我确实亲眼见证了一段感情,让我热泪盈眶

  when I got home from work last night.那是昨天晚上,下班回家的时候

  this elderly(Late 60's/Early 70's), seemingly wealthy couple came into the restaurant有一对年老(大约六七十高龄),看起来十分阔绰的夫妻走进了酒店餐厅

  and my co-worker seated them.我的同事引导他们落座

  We usually do our own tables,通常我们只为自己负责的桌子提供服务

  but because we were so busy last night不过昨晚我们都太忙了

  we helped each other out.我们也为彼此帮忙

  At one point这时

  the elderly couple signaled to me那对老夫妻示意让我过去

  that they were ready to order.表示他们准备好点餐了

夕阳下山清水秀依山傍海的绝美大自然<a href=http://www.cxydw.net/weimeitupian/fengjingtupian/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>风景</a>电脑桌面<a href=http://www.cxydw.net/weimeitupian/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>图片</a>

  Once again we were super busy再说一次,那时我们忙得不可开交

  I usually find it rude when people go out of their way to make their order,每次有客人大费周章的点餐,我总觉得有些失礼

  but once I took their order I understood why.但我为他们下单时,我明白了其中的原因

  The husband began ordering丈夫开始点菜

  and started stuttering to an extent I've never heard before说话结结巴巴,我从没听过有人说话这样含混不清

  It was very clear很明显

  that he had a speech disorder.这人有语言障碍

  I could tell我能断定

  the wife had told her husband very extensively what she wanted,妻子已经非常详细的告诉了丈夫自己想要吃什么

  as a way for him to practice ordering.想用这种方式帮助他训练说话能力

  It took a while for him to order,男人花了很长时间点菜

  and in the meantime在那时

  she was sitting there妻子坐在他身旁

  and she looked so proud看上去无比骄傲

  and content神情惬意

  despite her husband's immense stammering.尽管她丈夫结结巴巴,十分严重

夕阳下山清水秀依山傍海的绝美大自然<a href=http://www.cxydw.net/weimeitupian/fengjingtupian/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>风景</a>电脑桌面<a href=http://www.cxydw.net/weimeitupian/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>图片</a>


  I was homeless我是一个无家可归的流浪汉

  and made a poor living by flipping polar fleece 靠变卖摇粒绒的廉价衣物过活。

  Last year去年

  I was able to do a nice thing for some community members.我为社区里的小伙伴做了一点力所能及的好事


  shipping costs would have killed any margin销往外地的运输费用会把我的理论扣光

  and local wasn't working.而本地又没有任何销售渠道

  So I took the downtime I had at a night job于是,我趁着晚间工作时的休息时间

  and made double fleece no sew tie blankets做了双层的无缝羊毛毯

  and handed them out to fellow homeless people把它们分发给了其他的流浪汉

  after shift one morning那是一天早上,我下班之后

  at a food pantry在一个食品分发食堂里

  when the frosts were hitting.天上正下着冰雹

  It was a brief experience but positive.这段经历很短暂,却充满了正能量

  I made about two dozens people's mornings with a clean new blanket我让二三十人能够披着干净的新毯子度过他们的早晨

  while waiting in the cold.那时他们正站在冷风中


  around a year later那件事过去大约一年后

  I saw a homeless person walking down the street我看到一个流浪汉走过街道

  with one of those blankets.身上还披着那时我做的毯子

  The fabric choice,质地精良

  my poor technique,手艺粗糙

  all of it.正是出自我手

夕阳下山清水秀依山傍海的绝美大自然<a href=http://www.cxydw.net/weimeitupian/fengjingtupian/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>风景</a>电脑桌面<a href=http://www.cxydw.net/weimeitupian/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>图片</a>

  I'm sure I've never seen this person before我确信自己从未见过此人

  so that blanket went on a journey那条毯子必是几经转手,经过了一趟旅程

  and is still providing comfort to someone.但仍为人们提供着温暖





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