Hand gestures can be used to communicate while speaking. There are many universal hand signs; such a

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Hand gestures can be used to communicate while speaking. There are many univers
Hand gestures can be used to communicate while speaking. There are many universal hand signs; such as holding up an index finger to speak or interrupt, putting a finger to the lips to ask for silence. ___36___. But there are some hand gestures that might mean something different in another country.
Many differences.
___37___. This gesture consists of creating a circle with the thumb and index finger with other fingers extended. In most of the English-speaking cultures, it means ‘ok’. In Australia it means ‘zero’ while in many Western countries it actually means ‘three’ and in China it is a way to indicate ‘seven’.
Gestures with variation.
This sign has the index and middle finger extend up to make a ‘V’. But there is a big difference in its meaning depending on which way the palm is facing. Palm Facing Out: ___38___ Palm Facing In: The sign is an insult similar to giving the middle finger, particularly in the UK and South Africa.
Harmless or offensive?
In the USA, the gesture of using your index finger to beckon someone to come to you is not a welcome gesture in Asia. In the Philippines, this should only be used to beckon dogs. ___39___.
Of course it helps to prepare before you visit a country. But if you forget or make a sign out of habit, just remember to smile and apologize. And perhaps with an explanation, most people will be understanding.
A. Prepare and take care.
B. The masters of hand gestures.
C. There are so many well-known gestures.
D. It is highly offensive to use it with humans.
E. Originally this sign communicated Victory.
F. These are generally understood all over the world.
G. The following gesture has more than just one alternative meaning.
【答案】36. F    37. G    38. E    39. D    40. A




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