
I am so fortunate.我太幸运了。

小木 01-22 温和
摘要: and tend to just work through the day and eat dinner when I get home.我习惯把一整天的时间都用来工作,回到家后再享受一顿晚餐


  I don't often eat lunch at work,工作的时候我经常不吃午饭

  and tend to just work through the day and eat dinner when I get home.我习惯把一整天的时间都用来工作,回到家后再享受一顿晚餐

  I was having a bad day,那天我心情很糟

  it was around 4pm and I was struggling to make things happen.已经是下午四点钟了,我正竭力让一切顺利起来

  My boss, a wonderful lady, saw this and said "you ok?”.我的老板,一位温和的女士,看到了我,问道,“你还好吗?”

  I said yeah,我说,还好吧

乡间的田野小道<a href=http://www.cxydw.net/weimeitupian/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>唯美</a><a href=http://www.cxydw.net/weimeitupian/fengjingtupian/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>风景</a><a href=http://www.cxydw.net/weimeitupian/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>图片</a>

  I'm just struggling a little right now because of x, y, and z.就是眼下有点焦头烂额,因为这个,那个,如此这般

  Then she did something that shocked me,接着她对我说了一句话,让我大吃一惊

  she said "Did you eat lunch?"她问,“你吃过午饭了吗?”

  Me: "No"我说,“没有。”

  Her: "Here, have some grapes"她说,“来,吃点葡萄吧!”

  as she hands me a bag of grapes she had left from lunch.她随即递给我一袋子葡萄,这是她吃午餐时留下的。

  That bag of grapes changed my day,这袋葡萄让我的这一天焕然一新

  and in turn changed my life at least a little.还让我的人生起了变化,哪怕只有十分微小的变化

  She literally mommed me.她对我的关怀简直像对小孩子一样。

  Gave my 28 year old self a snack and a juice box我明明已经是28岁的大人了,她送我的零食和果汁,像是讨好孩子的礼物

  and it was the most caring thing I've ever had a boss do.这是我遇到的老板做过的最温暖人心的事情。


  It was supposed to be the storm of the decade这本是一场十年一遇的天灾

  and it lived up to it's namesake.它也无愧于自己的名号

  Every house on our street was knee deep in snow街上每座房子都淹没在齐膝的积雪之中

  and we live on a hill so no one could go anywhere.我们住在山上,谁也下不了山

  As I'm having my coffee,那时我正喝着咖啡

  thinking about what I'm going to do indoors with the kiddos,想着我和孩子们可以在屋里做点什么事

  and looking out the window, I see a man on my porch .我望向窗外,发现门廊上有一个人

  My neighbor is shoveling the steps and the walkway clear of snow ...我的邻居正在清除我家门前台阶和走廊上的积雪

  and laying down salt!还细心的撒上了盐!

  Then I see a few other men from the neighborhood接着我看到了住在附近的另外几个男人

  shoveling the sidewalks and driveways of our elderly neighbors.他们在为附近一些年老的住户清除走廊和车道上的积雪

  My heart swells.我的心里充满了感动

  These guys are taking their morning to make sure their neighbors are okay这些人愿意花自己一大早的时间,只为他们的邻居能安心出行

  and that they can safely walk to and from their cars.能安全的沿着车道从车库里进出

  I am so fortunate and feel like I've won the neighbor lottery.我太幸运了,有这样好的邻居,我觉得自己中了彩票一般

  Twenty-seven years later,二十七年过去了

乡间的田野小道<a href=http://www.cxydw.net/weimeitupian/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>唯美</a><a href=http://www.cxydw.net/weimeitupian/fengjingtupian/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>风景</a><a href=http://www.cxydw.net/weimeitupian/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>图片</a>

  they are still the best neighbors anyone could ask for他们仍然是所有人都希望得到的最好的邻居

  - rain [snow] or shine.无论在雨天(雪天)或者晴天





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