
01-27 生活
摘要:  I was half listening to the conversation我无意间大致听到了你们的对话


  to the random teenage girl on the train:我要致那个在火车上偶遇的少女

  You were talking with your friend.那时你在和朋友聊天

  She seemed really depressed你的朋友看起来十分消沉

  because she could not get a boyfriend.因为她找不到男朋友

  I was half listening to the conversation我无意间大致听到了你们的对话

  while dozing off一边还昏昏欲睡

  and heard you say:我听到你说

  "WHY do you want a boyfriend so much?为什么你这么想要有一个男友?

  What do you think will change in your life你觉得,自己的生活会发生什么变化

  after getting a boyfriend?"当你有了男友之后

  That woke me up.这句话点醒了我

太阳落山时美丽鲜艳的天空火烧云<a href=http://www.cxydw.net/weimeitupian/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>图片</a>大全高清<a href=http://www.cxydw.net/weimeitupian/fengjingtupian/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>风景</a>壁纸

  At the time,那时

  I was obsessing over getting a particular "dream job".我岌岌的想要争取一份“梦想中的工作”

  I was depressed为此我十分消沉

  and anxious about it,十分焦急

  I was crying over it.我时常为之哭泣

  I was feeling like such a failure.我感到自己太失败了

  It was all I could think or talk (and complain) about.我满脑子里想的,口中说(抱怨)的都是这件事

  As soon as I got home,我一回到家

  I made a list:就做了一个清单

  "Things that I think will change生活中会有什么样的变化

  if I get my dream job".如果我得到了我梦中的工作

  It ended up being such a long list.最后,我列出了一张非常长的清单

  I was basically blaming all of life's problems,基本上我就是在抱怨生活中的难题

  big and small有大有小

  on not having this particular job.似乎它们都是因为我没有得到那份工作才产生的

  Not only that,不仅如此

  but I was also putting things "on hold"我还搁置了许多事情

  until after I got this job一定要等到自己得到那份工作才愿意做

  for no good reason.并没有什么正当的理由

  Like I needed a particular job title比如,我需要那个职位头衔

  to join a gym才能去健身

  or practice my hobby.去发展自己的爱好

  So I took that list于是我拿起那张清单

  and started DOING everything I wrote down.开始实际的做每一件我写下的事情

  I started addressing the problems directly我开始直面那些问题

  and finding outlets for the things寻找某些事情的出口

  I was not satisfied with.排解自己对那些事情的不满

  I still wanted the job,我仍然 那份工作

  but my happiness did not depend on it.但我是否幸福并不完全仪仗于它

  Since then,从那时起

  when I find myself obsessing over a particular thing,每当我发现自己沉湎于某样东西

  I always take the time我总会花些时间

  to think去想一想

  if I'm using it as an excuse我是不是在用这样东西当做借口

  to not work on other problems I might have.从而不去解决自己可能面临的其他难题

  Thank you,谢谢你

  teenage girl on the train.火车上的少女

  You were trying to help your friend你只是想帮助自己的朋友

  and changed a stranger's life instead.但你却改变了一个陌生人的一生


  to the woman that lives in an apartment是住在同一栋公寓里的女人

  somewhere above me:她家正好在我楼上

  You moved to the building你搬进公寓时

  shortly after I did.我刚搬进去不久

  I heard some people move我听到有人搬运东西的声音

  what sounded like a very heavy object听上去像是十分沉重的东西

  up the stairs就在我的楼上

  and you thanking them你连声道谢

  with such happiness in your voice.声音里满满的欢欣

  And then I heard music.然后我听到了音乐

  You almost didn't wait for the movers to leave你甚至不愿意等到搬家的人离开

  before you started playing that piano.就开始弹奏你的钢琴





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