Language learning is a long-term process—it takes commitment and enthusiasm.

摘要: 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并打出答题卷对应的题号上。选项中有两项为多余选项
Language learning is a long-term process—it takes c
Language learning is a long-term process—it takes commitment and enthusiasm. And just like any long-term goal, we all need encouragement from time to time to keep us going____9____.
Remember why you started
When you first started your language journey, it was for a reason. Perhaps you wanted to get more out of your travels or make yourself more competitive in the marketplace. When your brain is focused on learning, it makes sense that these concrete goals may slip out of your mind.____10____.
Reflect on what you’ve learned so far
Learning a new language is undoubtedly a huge undertaking and you’ll feel overwhelmed. But before you look ahead, take some time to reflect on how far you’ve come._____11_____Being able to hold something that’s a direct result of your effort will help you stay on track.
Identify distractions
When our energy dips, it’s the best way to identify the choices that are distracting us from our goals. Maybe it’s our environment to staying up-to-date with television shows, or that extra hour of Facebooking before we go to bed.___12___We have a limited amount time and energy and every decision we make has trade-offs. Find a balance so that we have enough time to achieve the things that are really important to us.
To stay on track, divide up your main goal of learning a new language into smaller goals, and then reward yourself after you reach each one. Perhaps that means after you master all the vocabulary in the food and drink category you’ll finally throw that fancy dinner party you’ve been dreaming about. A big reward at the end, such as an international trip, can certainly be motivating, but don’t forget to also celebrate your small triumphs along the way.
A. Reward Yourself.
B. Build confidence through practice.
C. The most important thing is to do something every day.
D. With that in mind, here are our top tips for staying motivated to keep learning.
E. For example, you can try writing a short story or poem in the new language you’re learning.
F. Whatever our distraction of choice it’s important to recognize it and ask if we can do without it.
G. But research shows that returning to these images and visualizing your goals can help you succeed.
【答案】9. D    10. G    11. E    12. F    13. A




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