选出可填入空白处的最佳选项。Wishing to encourage her young son's progress on the piano,

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Wishing to encourage her young son's progress on the piano, a


Wishing to encourage her young son's progress on the piano, a mother took her boy to a pianist's concert on a summer holiday evening. After they found their ____21____, the mother saw two friends in the hall and walked to ___22___ them.
It was the boy's first time to come to the hall. He thought it was a good ___23___ for him to explore the wonders of the concert hall. He ___24___ and walked around.  He walked ___25___ a door marked "NO ADMITTANCE"(禁止入内).
When the hall lights dimmed (变暗) , the ___26___ would begin.  The mother returned to her seat and discovered that her son was ___27___. The mother was ___28___ worried at that at the moment that tears (眼泪)  were in her eyes.
The concert began, and the lights focused on (聚焦于) the wonderful piano on stage. The mother was ___29___  to see her little boy sitting at the keyboard, playing the song Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star ___30___ he did at home.
At that moment, the great pianist came, quickly moved to the piano and ___31___ in the boy's ear, "Don't stop. Keep playing. " He leaned over (俯身) and began filling in a bass part (低音) with his left ___32___, then added a running obbligato (伴奏) with his right hand. They played the piano together __33___.  The old pianist and the  young novice (初学者) changed a frightening situation into a wonderful creative experience. The audience (观众) stood up and  ___34___ them.
An artist's achievements and charm depend on not only his perfect skills ___35___ his good qualities.
21. A. desks B. stage C. seats D. piano
22. A. greet B. feed C. notice D. search
23. A. use B. chance C. season D. culture
24. A. flew B. sat C. fell D. rose
25. A. through B. across C. above D. over
26. A. film B. concert C. conversation D. meeting
27. A. sleepy B. missing C. tired D. excited
28. A. so B. very C. much D. such
29. A. serious B. sad C. patient D. surprised
30. A. when B. if C. as D. before
31. A. called B. shouted C. whispered D. cried
32. A. hand B. shoulder C. foot D. leg
33. A. badly B. carelessly C. terribly D. happily
34. A. fought with B. laughed at C. shouted at D. cheered for
35. A. or B. but C. and D. so
21. C句意:他们找到座位后,母亲看见大厅里有两个朋友,走过和他们打招呼。
A. desks桌子;B. stage    舞台;C. seats座位;D. piano钢琴。根据上文a mother took her boy to a pianist's concert on a summer holiday evening.可知这里是找到他们的座位之后。故选C。
22. A句意:他们找到座位后,母亲看见大厅里有两个朋友,走过和他们打招呼。
A. greet问候;B. feed喂;C. notice注意;D. search搜寻;根据上文the mother saw two friends in the hall and walked to可知这里是走去过打招呼。故选A。
23. B句意:他认为这是一个探索音乐厅奇观的好机会。A. use使用;B. chance    机会;C. season季节;D. culture文化。根据下文to explore the wonders of the concert hall.可知上文是说对于他来说是一个好机会。根据题意,故选B。
24. D句意:他站起来四处走动。A. flew飞;B. sat    坐下;C. fell落下;    D. rose上升;根据下文He walked ___25___ a door marked "NO ADMITTANCE"(禁止入内).可知上文是说他站起来。根据题意,故选D。
25. A句意:他穿过一扇标有“不准入内”的门。A. through通过,内部通过;B. across横穿;C. above以上;D. over在……上方;根据文中a door marked "NO ADMITTANCE"可知这里是说通过,内部通过用through,根据题意,故选A。
26. B句意:当大厅灯光变暗时,音乐会就开始了。A. film电影;B. concert音乐会;C. conversation对话;交谈;D. meeting会议;根据上文When the hall lights dimmed (变暗)可知下文是说音乐会将开始。根据句意,故选B。
27. B句意:那位母亲返回她的座位,发现她的儿子消失了。A. sleepy困倦的; B. missing想念;消失;C. tired累人的;D. excited激动的;根据下文The mother was ___28___ worried at that at the moment that tears (眼泪)  were in her eyes.可知上文是说她的儿子消失了。根据题意,故选B。
28. A句意:母亲当时如此担心,眼睛里含着泪水。A. so因此;B. very很,非常;C. much许多;D. such如此。So+形容词或副词,表示如此……,so worried表示如此担心的。根据句意,故选A。
29. D句意:母亲很惊讶地看到她的小男孩坐在键盘前,像他在家里那样弹着歌,《闪烁着小星星》。A. serious严肃的;B. sad悲伤的;C. patient有耐心的;D. surprised吃惊的。根据下文to see her little boy sitting at the keyboard, playing the song Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star ___30___ he did at home.可知母亲看到他在弹奏非常吃惊的。根据题意,故选D。
30.句意:母亲很惊讶地看到她的小男孩坐在键盘前,像他在家里那样弹着歌《闪烁着小星星》。A. when当……时候;B. if如果;C. as当……;就像D. before在……之前;根据下文he did at home可知这里是说就像他在家里弹奏的。根据题意,故选C。
31. C句意:那一刻,伟大的钢琴家来了,很快地移到钢琴前,在男孩的耳边低声说:“不要停下来。继续玩。” A. called打电话;B. shouted大喊;C. whispered耳语;低语; D. cried哭;根据下文"Don't stop. Keep playing. " He leaned over (俯身) and began filling in a bass part (低音) with his left ___32___, then added a running obbligato (伴奏) with his right hand.可知上文是在男孩的耳边低声说,根据题意,故选C。
32. A句意:他俯身开始用左手填充低音部分,然后用右手加上一个连续的伴奏。A. hand手;B. shoulder肩;C. foot脚;D. leg腿;根据下文then added a running obbligato (伴奏) with his right hand.可知上文是说用左手。根据题意,故选A。
33. D句意:他们一起高兴地弹奏了钢琴。A. badly坏得;B. carelessly粗心的; C. terribly糟糕地;D. happily高兴地;根据下文The old pianist and the  young novice (初学者) changed a frightening situation into a wonderful creative experience. The audience (观众) stood up and  ___34___ them.可知上文是一起高兴地弹奏。根据题意,故选D。
34. D句意:观众站起来为他们欢呼。A. fought with    与…战斗;B. laughed at嘲笑;C. shouted at朝……喊;D. cheered for为…欢呼;根据上文They played the piano together ___33___.  The old pianist and the  young novice (初学者) changed a frightening situation into a wonderful creative experience.可知下文是为他们喝彩。根据题意,故选D。
35. B句意:一个艺术家的成就和魅力不仅取决于他完美的技艺,还取决于他的优良品质。A. or否则,要不然;B. but但是;C. and和,又;    D. so因此。根据上文not only his perfect skills可知这里是不但……而且……。短语not only…but…表示不仅……而且……。根据题意,故选B。





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