

王馨紫 02-04 教育
摘要: aying "You're teaching the next generation and you need another job?"他说,“你在教育我们的下一代,可你却需要另一份工作,才能养活自己?”


  This was several years ago, but I remember this kindness very clearly.这是几年前的事情了,但我还清晰的记得自己感受到的友善。

  I was at a Jiffy Lube one morning getting an oil change for my car,有天早上,我在汽车保养店里给车换机油

  and an older man with a heavy Southern drawl came in.一个老人走进店里,说话拖着深沉的南方长音。

  They were busy, so after ten minutes or so, he starts up small talk with me.店里的人很忙,大概十分钟之后,他开始跟我闲聊起来

  I find out he's from Texas, traveling with a construction crew .我了解到,他来自德克萨斯州,跟一支施工队一起来到这里

  jokingly say "You must make good money to drive that beautiful truck.我开玩笑道,“你开的卡车真漂亮,想来你一定收入不菲

  Tell me how to get in to the field!"“告诉我,怎么做才能走向成功?”

  He says yes, but it wasn't easy to get there.他说自己的收入确实还不错,可是想要到这一步却并非易事。

  I tell him I'm in my second year of teaching我告诉他,这是我教书生涯的第二年

  and haven't gotten there yet,我离人生成功还差得远

  so if he needs some part-time help, I could use the work.所以,如果他需要兼职,我很愿意接活儿

  He genuinely looked heartbroken,老人脸上露出真诚的悲悯之色

  saying "You're teaching the next generation and you need another job?"他说,“你在教育我们的下一代,可你却需要另一份工作,才能养活自己?”

  We keep talking, the mechanic pulls him away to get approval on some repairs.我们接着闲聊,店里的技工把老人叫过去,请他同意为他的车做一些修理

  A few moments later, the mechanics come get me过了一会儿,店里的技工朝我走过来

  and never asked for any approvals or pay on my vehicle.不过,他们没有向我征求任何关于修理工作的同意,也没有找我支付修理费

  I see the receipt , and my car had received a premium oil change, balance and rotation on my tires, a new filter, and a new battery.我看到了账单,店里给我的车换上了优质的机油,为轮胎做了平衡和定位,换了一个新滤清器,还装了新电池

海上的狂风巨浪<a href=http://www.cxydw.net/weimeitupian/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>图片</a>

  The services were not cheap.这套维护可不便宜。

  The older man smiles at me, gives me a hug, and says老人冲我微笑,给了我一个拥抱,然后说

  "My daughter is your age. “我女儿跟你差不多大,

  You're doing a good service and deserve a better wage.你所做的事情非常重要,你值得得到更高的报酬

  I just wanted to give you a little pick-me-up."我只是想给你一点小小的鼓励

海上的狂风巨浪<a href=http://www.cxydw.net/weimeitupian/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>图片</a>


  I was at the local gas station getting a sandwich.那天,我正在加油站的便利店里买三明治

  The girl behind the counter is one of my friends柜台后面收款的女孩是我的一个朋友

  so I'm standing there shooting the breeze所以我站在柜台前一边灌啤酒一边跟她聊天

  when I feel a tug on my hoodie sleeve.这时我感到自己嘻哈风格的宽大袖子被人拉了一下

  I look down我低头看去

  and this little guy says "my grandma fell down and hurt her knees."一个小家伙对我说,“我祖母摔了一跤,膝盖磕伤了”

  I follow him outside我跟着他走到外面

  and an older woman is sitting on the curb kind of shakin.看到一位老妇人坐在台阶上,好像在瑟瑟发抖

海上的狂风巨浪<a href=http://www.cxydw.net/weimeitupian/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>图片</a>

  At this point there were a couple of people making sure she was ok.这时已经有一对夫妇注意到了老奶奶,正探问她的状况

  I had him come back inside with me to get a cup of water.我让小男孩跟我一起回到店里,倒了一杯水

  When we got back outside she had caught her breath and had a minute to calm down.我们回到便利店外老奶奶坐的地方时,她的呼吸已经平稳下来,心情也稍许平复了。

  He did not hesitate when his grandma was in trouble这个小男孩,当他的奶奶遇到困难的时候,他没有丝毫的犹豫





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