Managing your personal finances isn't as easy as it seems.Rising prices and an uncertain econom

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Managing your personal finances isn't as easy as it seems.Rising prices and

根据上文“Here are the top three tips that might just manage your money more productively and safely.(这里有三个最重要的建议,可以让你更安全地有效地理财)”可知,上文提到了关于理财三个建议,作者列出这些建议是为了让读者选择。故E选项“找到一个最适合你的建议是迈向更好、更稳定的未来的第一步”符合语境,故选E。
根据后文“Look at your list of purchases over the last month and see if there are any regular buys which are simply not necessary, and make adjustments to ensure that your money coming in Is not overshadowed by the money that then goes out over the course of the month.(看看你最近一个月的购物清单,看看是否有不需要的常规购买,然后做出调整,确保你的进账不会被这个月的支出所掩盖)”可知,本段主要是在说明做好购物清单的重要性,做清单意味着记录下自己的购物信息,故F选项“记录下你的钱花在什么东西和花在什么地方上,会给你带来很大的好处。”符合语境,故选F。
根据上文“Having a personal financial advisor is essential if you're looking at investments or are wondering about your future. The right financial advisor will start with a fact-finding check that will cover your situation.(如果你正在考虑投资或者对自己的未来感到迷茫,有一个个人理财顾问是很重要的。合适的财务顾问会从调查事实开始,以涵盖你的情况)”以及后文“So that you are better able to take advantage of a dedicated level of experience and insider insights.(这样你就能更好地利用专业水平的经验和内部消息)”可知该段主要是建议我们要有一个个人财务顾问。根据上文“a fact-finding check”可知,财物顾问会首先评估个人的财务状况。既然有评估就会有结果,故本空应该与评估结果有关。故B选项“这样你就能拿到最初的花费分析”符合语境,故选B。
根据后文“Check your expenditures and make sure that you are not paying out for something that you simply don't need. Cost analysis is essential when it comes to making a final decision between renting and buying. The larger the cost value, the more important that decision becomes.(检查你的支出,确保你没有买你根本不需要的东西。在做租赁还是购买的最后决定时,成本分析是必不可少的。成本价值越大,决策就越重要)”可知,本段主要是在说明在租赁还是购买商品之间的权衡问题,上文中renting and buying可对应到C选项中renting or buying。故C选项“无论是租赁还是购买商品和服务,都要权衡成本收益,这是很棘手的”符合语境,故选C。
根据上文“The most important thing is being honest with yourself about your current situation.(最重要的是诚实面对自己的现状)”可知,上文提到要诚实面对自己的现状,即应该填实事求是,本句则承接上文说明这样做的影响,故G选项“有了事实会让你更容易做决定”符合语境,故选G。




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