语法填空 Twenty years ago, I drove a taxi for my life and sometimes I had to work at night.

摘要: 语法填空
Twenty years ago, I drove a taxi for my life and sometimes I had to work at night

Twenty years ago, I drove a taxi for my life and sometimes I had to work at night.
One late night, I got a telephone call   51  a neighborhood. When I arrived there at 2: 30 am, the only building was dark except a single light in  the   52   (five) floor window. So I walked up and knocked at the door.
Just a minute, "answered a weak voice. After a long time, the door opened and a small woman___53____     (stand) in front of me. Next to her was a small box.
Quickly I took her box to the car and then returned to hold her. She kept   54  (thank)me.When we got in the car, she asked, "Can you drive me through the blocks?
"   55   it's too late now, "I replied.
"I don' t mind, "she said slowly. "I'm in no hurry. The doctor says I don't have much time to live…"
I   56   (quiet) turned off the meter(计费器), For the next two hours, we drove through the city and passed the building where she had once worked, the neighborhood where she and her husband  had lived  ,and some other places.As  57   sun was rising ,we stopped in front of a low building. Two young  58   (woman) were waiting there. They were both the nurses who would look after her.
"How much do I have to pay? " she asked.
"Nothing, "I replied. I was sure I would never forget this  59   (pain)experience.
She looked surprised, "You gave a woman who is dying a little moment of pleasure, "she said.
"Thank you".
Sometimes people may not remember exactly what you did or said. However, they'll always remember how you make   60   (they) feel. And they'll never forget it.
51. from
52. fifth
53. stood
54. thanking
55. But
56. quietly
57. the
58. women
59. painful
60. them
51.考查介词,根据 I got a telephone call ,结合上下文可知句意:天深夜,我接到一个邻居打来的电话.from介词,从,故答案是from。
52.考查,根据the …floor window可知用序数词 fifth修饰名词,结合上下文可知句意:当我凌晨2:30到达那里时,除了五楼的窗户上只有一盏灯外,唯一的一栋楼是漆黑的.故答案是fifth。
53.考查一般过去时,根据the door opened and a small woman可知用一般过去时,结合上下文可知句意:过了很长一段时间,门开了,一个小女人站在我面前.故答案是stood。
54.考查动名词,keep doing sth 坚持做某事,结合上下文可知句意:她一直在感谢我.故答案是thanking。
55.考查连词,根据Can you drive me through the blocks,结合上下文可知句意:但现在太晚了.but连词,但是,故答案是But。
56. 考查副词,根据 turned off the meter可知用副词修饰动词,结合上下文可知句意:我悄悄地关掉了计费器.故答案是quietly。
57.考查定冠词, 世界上独一无二的事物sun前加 the,结合上下文可知句意:太阳升起时,我们停在一幢低矮的建筑前.故答案是the。
58.考查名词复数,根据Two young可知用复数,woman的复数是women,结合上下文可知句意:两个年轻女人在那里等着.故答案是women。





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