

林浔鸥 01-28 纯良
摘要: 不管其他人待你怎样不公,你依然要保持纯良。每件事情的发生都有它的时机,是你的也肯定会来,你需要的只是多等一会儿。


  The best and most amazing thing about life is that no matter what happens or how hard it may get, or how useless you feel, stay patient.生活教会我们最伟大精深奥妙之处莫过于,不管眼下有多难,自己是多么的无用,你一定要耐心。

  All you need to focus on is doing good even if it maybe the smallest thing like greeting someone with a smile it goes a long way, it can brighten up anyone's day, and you will have made the smallest yet biggest difference to someone's life they may carry on smiling because of you and spread peace and love and it all started with you! 你要做的是,播种正能量,哪怕是微不足道的事情,就像问候他人的同时报以微笑。这个微笑的效果不会转瞬即逝,它会点亮别人一天的生活。一个小小的微笑也会成就一个大大地改变,人们会将它传递,而这一切都源于你最初的那个传递爱与和平的微笑。

  I learned patience the hard way, I have been trying to rush through life rapidly, always comparing myself to my friends and family and wondering when my life would change I was too busy trying to speed things up but things just weren't moving, I finally gave up, but when I did I just continued to help people making people smile do what little I could everyday to make a difference.我吃了不少苦头才学会了耐心,以前我总是把自己的生活节奏搞得很快,总是把自己和家人朋友做比较,想着自己的生活何时会改变,急于看到起色,但是却毫无进展,最后我放弃了。当我仅仅为了让别人高兴才做事情,哪怕是一件力所能及的小事,才发现每一天都不一样了。

  Life repays you back, well I believe God does he always looks after us no matter what, just carry on doing good spread love and peace and God will take care of you. 生活会给你回报,我深信只要你做的事情关乎爱与和平,上天就会福佑你。

国外马尔代夫美丽辽阔的大海<a href=http://www.cxydw.net/weimeitupian/fengjingtupian/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>风景</a>电脑高清桌面壁纸

  Keep your intentions sincere no matter how unjust people are towards you, I believe you will be successful, everything has a timing and yours is definitely coming, just need to wait a little longer.不管其他人待你怎样不公,你依然要保持纯良。每件事情的发生都有它的时机,是你的也肯定会来,你需要的只是多等一会儿。

  I did and I finally met someone worth it all, so kind and sweet so thoughtful always trying to surprise me in the most unexpected ways and everyday is better and that feeling is amazing then you realize it's because of all the good you kept doing in your life.我等了,也遇到了那个值得我等待的人,TA是如此善良体贴,总是出其不意地给我惊喜。每一天都越来越好,那种感觉妙不可言,你会觉得这些都是因为你平时生活中累计善行的结果。

  Even if it means you been doing bad things up until now you can change it all and make it all better, and believe me it always gets better. 哪怕你做过什么不好的事情,只要你能够改邪归正。相信我,你的生活也会变好。

  It's not easy but it will, I know because I have been struggling with it all and I finally feel better and I want to help many people feel great and amazing.尽管这做起来并不容易,但是肯定会有成效。因为曾经我也经历过,一开始非常纠结,但是一切都变好了,我也要福泽更多人的体会到这样的乐成人美。


  For many years多年来

  I was treated in a very unkind way.我并没有遭受过恶意的对待

  I was not only talked about behind my back没有人在我的背后诽谤我

  but I was spoken to in an unkind manner to my face.当曾经有人当面对我用十分失礼的态度说话

  I'm sure我相信

  a lot of people can relate to this.许多人有过类似的经历

  There came a time后来

  when I had the opportunity to help this person out.我得到一个机会,可以对那个人提供帮助

  For some reason,出于某种原因

  much to my surprise,连我自己都感到惊讶的是

  I chose to be kind and help.我选择对他友善,并且帮助了他

  My action to show love and help not only surprised me,我的行动表现了爱和帮助,这不仅让我吃惊

  but it surprised others as well.也让周围的其他人大吃一惊

国外马尔代夫美丽辽阔的大海<a href=http://www.cxydw.net/weimeitupian/fengjingtupian/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>风景</a>电脑高清桌面壁纸

  I'm sharing this我分享这个故事





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