
01-27 生活
摘要:  I was half listening to the conversation我无意间大致听到了你们的对话

  And you kept playing.你一直弹下去

  Every day.每天如此

  Every day每天

  I heard the piano我都听到钢琴声

  and I remember thinking我记得自己那时想到

  "She plays beautifully,她弹得多么好

  I wish I was that good at my hobby".真希望我对自己的爱好也是如此精通

  And then I felt like an idiot.这时我才知道自己多么愚蠢


  I was hearing you play every day我每天都听到你弹钢琴

  while I was wasting time online.自己却在上网浪费时间

  So I closed my laptop于是我关上了自己的笔记本

  and got practicing.开始练习

  I'm trying to build that habit now.现在,我正努力发展自己的爱好


  it's hard to find that motivation ,我很难找到自己的动力

  sometimes I forget .有时我会忘记

  But every day I hear you play,但是每天我都会听到你练琴

  and every time每到这时

太阳落山时美丽鲜艳的天空火烧云<a href=http://www.cxydw.net/weimeitupian/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>图片</a>大全高清<a href=http://www.cxydw.net/weimeitupian/fengjingtupian/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>风景</a>壁纸

  I stop what I'm doing我会停下手头正在做的事情

  and practice for a little bit.练习一小会儿

  I'm still not great,我仍然技艺不佳

  but I'm getting better.但我在不断进步

  Thank you,谢谢你

  lady who lives in my building.与我住在同一栋楼里的女士

  You are just practicing a skill you enjoy你只是在练习一项你喜欢的技艺

  and you inspired a stranger to do the same.你却激励了一个陌生人向你那样去做

  These two ladies profoundly impacted my life这两位女士对我的人生产生了深刻的影响

  and I will never be able to thank them personally,我却永远没有机会对她们当面表示感谢了

  so I will do it here.所以我会在这里表达谢意





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