
如果生活对你不公--If life treats you unfairly.

林浔鸥 01-03 生活
摘要: Happily, the operation was a success, and I whispered in Larry’s ear, I thought I lost you, but I knew I’d get you back. 欣慰的是,手术非常成功,我对拉里耳语道,我想我把你弄丢了,但是我知道你肯定会回到妈妈身边的。

  I have always worn my children’s birthstones around my neck. 我的脖子上带着我几个孩子的生辰石。

  One morning, when I was late for work, my infant son Larry’s topaz birthstone fell from my gold chain.一天早晨,我上班迟到了,脖子上带着一块托帕石从我的项链上掉了下来,那是我儿子拉里的生辰石,他还是个婴儿。

  I frantically searched for it, whispering to myself, I lost my Larry, but I will get him back. 我焦急的寻找着,还喃喃自语道:我把拉里丢了,但是我会找回他的。

  That day, Larry’s cardiologist called with test results from one of his first checkups.就在那天,拉里的心血管医生打电话给我,内容是关于他的检查报告

  He would need emergency heart surgery. 他需要紧急的心脏手术。

  Happily, the operation was a success, and I whispered in Larry’s ear, I thought I lost you, but I knew I’d get you back. 欣慰的是,手术非常成功,我对拉里耳语道,我想我把你弄丢了,但是我知道你肯定会回到妈妈身边的。

  If life treats you unfairly.如果生活对你不公。

绿油油的郊外<a href=http://www.cxydw.net/weimeitupian/fengjingtupian/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>风景</a><a href=http://www.cxydw.net/weimeitupian/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>图片</a>

  Don't cry. Don't shout. Don't complain to anyone.不要哭泣。不要叫嚷。也不要向任何人抱怨。

  Because that's just how life is.因为这就是生活。

  It's never fair.它从来就不是公平的。

  Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time there were two boys.让我来给你讲一个故事吧。从前,有两个男孩。

  One of them was short and the other was tall.他们其中一个很矮,而另一个很高。

  They stood in front of a low wall and both wanted to see what was beyond that wall.他们同时站在了一堵矮墙面前,都想看看墙那边是什么。

  The taller one could easily do that but the shorter one needed to stand on a chair to reach the height.个子高的那个很轻易就能做到,但个子矮的那个却需要站在椅子上才能达到同样的高度。

  To the taller one the chair was only a chair.对于个子高的那个,这个椅子只不过是个椅子。

  But the shorter one called the chair Justice, because it made the situation "fair".可矮的那个却把它称为“正义”,因为它带来了“公平”。

绿油油的郊外<a href=http://www.cxydw.net/weimeitupian/fengjingtupian/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>风景</a><a href=http://www.cxydw.net/weimeitupian/ target=_blank class=infotextkey>图片</a>

  Well, real life is just like this. It's not fair.其实真实的生活不就像是这样吗?它并不公平。

  Most people complain about it and stop at just complaining about it, while a few others choose to bear this unfairness and try to discover their own strength.大部分人会为此而抱怨,而且仅仅止步于抱怨;而还有一小部分人,他们选择承受这种不公,并试着发掘自己的力量。

  And this second kind are the ones who have a chance to truly run the world.只有这第二种人才有可能成为世界真正的主人。

  Only by bearing unfairness can you bear responsibility.你得承受得起委屈,才能承受得了责任。

  That's how life works.生活就是这么运作的。





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